Friday, March 25, 2011

Waiting List!

So I've learned that I'm not a very good at keeping up with this blog! We've had a lot happen with our adoption in the past few months. In January, we sent in our I600A and after having our fingerprinting appointment, we received our approval on March 15th. We sent in our dossier to our agency and we are now officially on the waiting list! We've been told we are 11th on the list and should expect around a 3-6 month wait for a referral. We are so excited and I have to admit I've felt a little bit of panic set in for me. God has been so faithful through all of this journey and I know He will continue to see us through.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I was curious as to which agency you are with! We are also adopting from DRC and are with One World.
    It's great to connect with other DRC families!

    Kathleen Ellis
