Sunday, August 22, 2010


Since it's been several weeks since my last post, I thought I should give a little update! We are patiently (do you catch the sarcasm?) waiting on one piece of paperwork to come in to complete our homestudy. Once we receive that, we will schedule our last homestudy meeting. I am hoping that we will be able to finish this in the next couple weeks!

In the mean time, I've completed 8 hours of required online training and Josh is currently working on his training. (It takes him a little longer... :) I'm also reading a few books on adoption parenting. I have learned so much through the training and books, and I'm so thankful to have a little more knowledge! Hopefully it will help us be better prepared for parenthood!

Also, check out this blog. I love her posts and wish I could write and capture my thoughts the way she does. It's another great adoption blog. Follow them on their journey at

Tootles for now!

2nd Homestudy Meeting Complete!

So we finally had our 2nd homestudy meeting on Friday. I was so nervous because this was supposed to be the meeting that we would be interviewed individually. When we started our meeting, our caseworker said she didn't really have a lot of questions for us and said we could both stay if we wanted. So, she asked us a few questions about our personalities and our parents personalities and we talked about our paperwork and that was pretty much it! It was very painless! And, Josh behaved himself! (for once!) I think I'll look at it as a good thing that she doesn't have a lot to question us about.

We are probably very close to finishing our homestudy, just waiting on a few more pieces of paperwork to come in and one more meeting with our caseworker before it will be complete!

Oh, and..Josh's renewed passport came in the mail yesterday! Woo hoo! Hopefully mine is on the way!

So there's the big update :)

Also, I found this video online and thought it was such a neat video documenting this couple's adoption experience. Thought I'd share it with you! Enjoy!
